media enquiries

Statement for the media and international community on the passing of Lauren Hoeve.

31 January, the Netherlands

Lauren passed away peacefully on January 27, 2024, at age 28. Lauren has requested euthanasia after years of unbearable suffering caused by severe myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS).

Lauren’s family and loved ones are touched and overwhelmed by the interest and support from the media and the public. However, Lauren believed that our attention should be on the living. Millions of people worldwide are affected by ME/CFS, with no universally established treatment pathways and no cure. Why is their suffering acknowledged enough for euthanasia but not enough to fund clinical research?

We are therefore encouraging you to support initiatives which advocate for ME patients. Some of these include:

Please refer to this page on Lauren’s blog for resources in the Netherlands.

We are kindly asking you to respect the privacy of Lauren’s family in this difficult time.

For media inquiries please contact

Lauren’s parents, Leonie and Peter.